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Opening day Aarti of Badrinath Temple

Opening day Aarti of Badrinath Temple

Badrinath Temple is one of the sanctified Hindu temples of India which is devoted to the lord Vishnu. Every Puja has his own importance and any one in the world can be benefited. It is the temple which fulfils all the wishes of the followers and releases them from their problems. Shrine is one of the char dham place which itself make it divine and powerful and devotees who visited here feel blessed. 

There are some special pujas done like Maha Abhishek, Abhishek and Geeta path in the morning. Some pujas are to be booked in advance which is specially done at the evening such as Aarti and Geet Govind. Pujas are done by the Rawal-the head preist of the temple who is well known for the traditional Puja's.

To View Badrinath temple Aarti on the day of its opening, click https://youtu.be/uFIjnc0moFw

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